Youth With A Mission (YWAM) began in 1960 and one of its three overall thrusts is YWAM-Mercy – an integral approach in mission. Our model and example is Jesus Christ and his compassionate response to the needs of all people.
YWAM-Mercy is operational in more than 100 countries as it seeks to impact more than 100 million living in absolute poverty in the next 20 years. From agricultural assistance to health care to micro enterprise development, YWAM-Mercy seeks to meet the felt needs of individuals and communities, children at risk, refugees, those living with life-threatening addictions and those living on the edge of survival in both crisis and long term development situations.
Values that are central to the operations of YWAM-Mercy:
Will you join this international, multi-cultural movement in bringing a message of hope to these vulnerable people?
Will you join us by praying, giving of your skills, finances and your commitment? As the mission expands, so does the need for workers. Countless opportunities, covering a wide spectrum of skills and professions exist today.
Jesus came to give life, & life to the full.
We at YWAM-Mercy do our best to see this promise brought to the masses, crossing political barriers, socio-economical and cultural barriers, reaching out to a needy and hurting world.