Joy at Work

A Revolutionary Approach to Fun on the Job

Joy at Work

Author: Dennis W. Bakke
Review By: G. Stephen Goode

This is an incredible story of leadership and how values shape an organization, business, school, church, mission or government. This book will help people who want to know how decentralized organizations like YWAM are successful and why young people are so attracted.  Dennis is a Christian with a biblical based view of the world, a Harvard Business graduate that put this into practice with his work in government services, an energy company and now one of the largest chartered school systems in the USA. 

He shows how work is one of the ways we honor God. Work is worship. God set the example in Creation by working for six days, then resting for one day. He gave us a model to steward resources and meet other people's needs.  Any work, even the least creative and inspiring job, that is accomplished for God, meets a need in society, honors God. "The key to joy at work is the personal freedom to take actions and make decisions using individual skills and talents." Thus, the key to good organizational leadership is restraint in making decisions of importance. A radical idea.

From the preface: This book is for you if you are:

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