Everything Must Change

Jesus, Global Crises and a Revolution of Hope

Everything Must Change

Author: Brian McLaren
Review By: G. Stephen Goode

Two underlying questions are the reason for this book by Brian McLaren.
1. What are the world’s top problems today and 2. What do the life and message of Jesus have to say about these issues? This is a continuation of Brian’s previous book, “The Secret Message of Jesus” about the Kingdom of God and what does it look like today.

Brian traveled around the world in the writing of this book, talking to church, community, business and government leaders, asking questions and listening to answers. Brian is a thinker and makes you consider your faith, the mission of God’s people and its practical outworking to personal, community and global issues in light of the model and message of Jesus.

Like this book or not, you will have to think about the global issues that confront us and the relevance of faith and action to these issues. You may not agree with his ideas and his potential solutions but I have been impressed with his thinking and scope that will give us wisdom and keep us better informed in our response.

McLaren challenges us followers of Jesus about what it means to do God’s will on earth. His writing on the context of the life of Jesus and his teaching on the Kingdom of God in regard to Rome and its authority as well as the religious leaders of Judaism and those who opposed Rome is so relevant to us today.

I think that Brian has something very important to say to us as people of faith. I believe that Jesus has some critical things to say to us. The question is are we listening and what will be our response?

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