Book Reviews

Review of The Essential Abolitionist

The Essential Abolitionist

If you have questions on the issues of modern day slavery and what you can do about it, you will want to read John Vanek’s new collaborative book, The Essential Abolitionist. It is a fresh call to engagement in the movement that seeks to free the lives of those imprisoned, exploited, and enslaved…

Review of Waiting for a Father

Waiting for a Father

Marie and I have known Gary and Helen Stephens since the early 1970's. The Stephens and David and Carol Boyd, who you will meet in this book, were instrumental in our becoming involved in Missions to the poor and vulnerable of our world 40 years ago. Our lives have never been the same. We live in…

Review of Compassion, Justice and the Christian Life

Compassion, Justice and the Christian Life

I read this book because I saw that Robert Lupton had worked with John Perkins, chairing the board of Christian Community Development Association (CCDA) as well as served the inner city of Chicago for more than three decades. John Perkins is one of my heroes and he has mentored me by his books for…

Review of The Real Mary

The Real Mary

Scot McKnight gives many reasons why he should write a book about Mary but his reason that stuck with me the most is on page 6 "that she always leads us to Jesus. When we discover the real Mary, the one who lived in first-century Galilee with Joseph...who struggled at times herself, we also discover…

Review of Half the Sky

Half the Sky

Half the Sky is a powerful book about women that needs to be read and championed by men. It is written by two Pulitzer Prize winners on China who write for the New York Times. The title is taken from a Chinese proverb, "Women hold up half the sky." This book will change the way that you think…

Review of Engaging the Powers

Engaging the Powers

Engaging the Powers is an award winning book written in 1992 - Why have so few read this incredible book? Agree or disagree with Walter Wink but read this book and have the way you view the world shaken up, seriously. He is a brilliant yet humble writer. I cannot believe that I did not read this book…

Review of What difference do it make?

What difference do it make?

This is a continuation of the book - Same Kind of Different as Me about slavery and the homeless in the 21st century and what difference has been made in the last two years upon thousands of homeless in the USA and…

Review of Africa Rising

Africa Rising

Working with  NGO's, poverty and with key issues like HIV/AIDS in Africa I was so encouraged to read Africa Rising. Most of what one hears from the African continent in the press and media or the perception of Africa  is one of war, disease, pessimism, corruption and general bad news. Vijay Mahajan,…

Review of Paths of Glory

Paths of Glory

A classic and enjoyable Jeffrey Archer read about mountain climbing with characters well considered and developed. This book is different in that it is based on the story of George Mallory, a climber that went after every mountain including Mt. Everest. A story of perseverance, passion and going after…

Review of The Powers that Be

The Powers that Be

If your a business person, this book is for you. If you work with the poor, this book is for you. If you are an educator/trainer, this book is for you. If you are a pioneer, a leader, a parent or in government, this book is for you. 

Walter Wink has been on my radar screen for many years but…